Iriga City

(new student)

Semester: 2nd Semester Academic Year:2024-2025

Registration No.

Note: Fill out this form if you wish to enroll at CEGUERA TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGES

Write N/A if not applicable.
Academic Program

Personal Information

Mailing Address

Educational Information
Year Graduated

Parent Information
Father's Information

Guardian's Information
Same as :

Additional Information

Contact Person
Whom to contact in case of emergency:
Same as :

Statement on the Confirmation of Enrollment

Official enrollment will be determined upon submission of entrance requirements and validation of the Registrar and payment has been made.

Select Appointment Date

On-Site Schedule of Payment (Please select the payment date you want.)

Enrollment Agreement
                    I hereby allow Ceguera Technological Colleges to use my aforementioned details and other information I provided, which may be used for processing of my enrollment application for academic opportunities and other purposed it may served.
Data Privacy Statement: Your information given is safe with us, we will not share it with anyone. Your information will be used as reference when we reached out to you regarding your enrollment in one of the programs CTC offer for your advantage. Thank you.